We are Iskan Real Estate.

Iskan Real Estate is a premier brokerage company specializing in renting, buying, and selling properties. With years of experience and a reputation for excellence, integrity, and professionalism, we provide personalized solutions for clients in Egypt and Dubai.
Whether you’re seeking market insights, investment opportunities, or assistance with property transactions, our dedicated team is here for you.
Trust us to exceed your expectations and guide you every step of the way. Choose Iskan Real Estate as your reliable partner in real estate, opening doors to your dreams and closing deals with utmost satisfaction.
We are redefining real estate with innovation, integrity, and professionalism. We aim to be your trusted partner, offering exceptional services and personalized solutions: unrivaled expertise and a client-centric approach.
Exceptional real estate services, personalized solutions, and exceeding expectations. To become your trusted partner, guiding you through the market, seizing opportunities, and achieving success in buying, selling, investing, or renting. Opening doors, and closing deals—that’s our passion.


Selling Service

Renting Service

Property Listing

Property Management